Territory: 2089 km²
Agricultural land: 99779 ha
Including arable land: 39608 ha
Population: 253,900 (as of 2016)
To the north of the capital city Yerevan there is the marz of Kotayk, with the center Hrazdan. The name of the marz goes back to ancient times, to the period of Kt Patriarch.
The average temperature in summer is +19 C and in wither -9 C. One third of the territory is covered with woods; the climate is mild. Hrazdan is a developed industrial center, rich with archaeological and medieval monuments, especially from the XIII century.
Tsakhkadzor is considered to be the gemstone of the marz. It is a small resort town. It is famous for its sports complex, richly equipped with various sports facilities necessary for summer and winter sports. The snow- covered hills attract lots of winter sports fans. The cable-way takes the skiers up to the peak of Teghenis mountain, and from there they can ski down the mountain.
One of the most outstanding monuments of the Hellenistic period is the citadel and the pagan temple of Garni that used to be the royal summer-residence. The citadel is situated on a picturesque triangular plateau. The Hellenic-style pagan temple, the bath-house with its underground heating system and the royal palace admire us with their primary charm.
5 km east of Garni, in the deep canyon of Goght, there lies the Monastery of Geghard which is partly carved out of an adjacent mountain. In remote past it was called Ayrivank. The present name can be traced back to the 13th century when, as a legend says, the legendary spear- geghard (that pierced Christ), was brought there. Along with the religious importance of the site, the monastery offers stunning views of the Azat River Gorge surrounding the complex.